Income protection policy

Hi all,

I recently attended an HR seminar where the subject of Income protection policies cropped up. A show of hands revealed that we were the only organisation to offer it to staff - which surprised me somewhat.

Since then, we have had cause to call on it - when a member of staff became seriously ill and obviously unable to continue to work - even with adjustments. After going through the long term sickness absence process, he was taken on by the insurers - who assessed that he was not totally unemployable and therefore refused to accept his claim for income protection. I can see their viewpoint - they don't want to payout unless they have to.

It's been a pretty exasperating time trying to deal with it, and I really feel for the person involved.

It does make me wonder though - is this the reason why so few employers have such a policy in place?

So - do you have such a policy in place, and more to the point, has it worked for the employee who becomes unable to work through serious ill health?

Be great to hear your thoughts..




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  • Hi there

    We have a GIP policy in place, and have done for years. All staff are automatically enrolled on the scheme however can choose to flex it up or down if they wish. I know of two members of staff who are on it at the moment, and as far as I know both claims went through with no issues.


    • Thanks Tracey,

      Good to know that it can work out.  The case here wasn't straightforward as there were several factors to consider - which I am sure will have had a bearing on the outcome.


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