What is the Personnel role today and how much it changed?


Curiosity might have appeared for many of us working in the personnel department or being involved with it? How many extra miles the Human Resource Department has gone to compare with a few decades ago?

Nowadays HR is responsible for a range of different tasks in the organization to start with; for interpreting employment laws, hiring and firing employees, training and development, employee relations, benefits etc.

Personnel was found in the early 1900s by Frederic W. Taylor and his method often was called to a ‘Taylorism’. He focused on improving the training and development of employees to achieve the best results in business. After the second world war, the personnel was involved in tasks like admin, payroll but the Personnel scheme didn’t play a big part at that time.

Nevertheless, there was a growing understanding of the significance of HR importance towards successful business growth in the future.

There is a question what is the personal role from your own experience and how much did it change?

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