Where do you file things??


Sorry guys but not the most exciting of topics here and I am partly posting this as my filing systems have been changed whilst I have been off and I am still trying to find some things (very frustrating!!) There have also been a couple of discussions lately about our we file things in HR, yes they would like to be paper free (personally can't see that happening!!) but also about what is kept in a personal file and a couple of questions have cropped up.

1. Do we keep Sick records in their personnel files as these are kept in separate folder?

2. Is there anything we can get rid of within a personnel folder after a certain time?

Be really interested to hear what your systems are!



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  • Hello Rachel,

    We no longer have hard copy personnel files; everything is scanned and stored on an electronic system called Documotive.  This is a whole of life file that contains everything from recruitment paperwork to termination paperwork where applicable and everything that comes in between.  Where sickness records are concerned, although we scan everything within HR, our Payroll department keep hard copies of Fit Notes and Self Certs.

    I find it really difficult destroying paperwork, even though I know it's all electronically saved and accessible - give me paper files any day! 

    We have a policy regarding retention of paperwork, however, the two documents suggested by Debbie are good sources of information and guidance.


  •  Rachel,

    You might find these two documents of use;

    1.  CIPD Factsheet - Retention of HR Records

    2. ACAS Personnel Data and Record Keeping 



  • Hi Rachel

    In terms of your second point, do you have a data retention policy? That should say what you keep and for how long. I can pass you ours if it helps?


  • Thanks for comments,

    All my cupboards are under lock and key too Olenka!!

    We are introducing Sage HR so I think at some point the task of scanning in personnel files will have to happen but I still don't think I would be comfortable getting rid of the paper copies, is that just me or a HR thing!!?

    I like the idea of filing everything related to them in the personnel file so may do that, although with sick forms that's a mammoth task to go through pre historical stuff (also means going to the deepest darkest part of the building to my Archive room!!)

    Steve, I keep sick forms just in case anything asbestos related comes up but any absence forms for drs, dentists etc after a year we shred otherwise I would run out of cupboard space.


  • Hi Rach,

    We use both paper and PDF for all our employee documents. We have a filing cabinet (under lock and key) as well as personnel folders on our server (restricted access, of course!). As much as possible we try encourage people to go paperless, but in HR sometimes you need their million dollar in ink!

    As for sick, we have gone the paperless route. They submit a self certification through our intranet, which then sends me an email notification (which I keep electronically) and then I update the HR database with that info.

    With our other company (they don’t have the intranet option), either they, or their manager sends me notification via email, which again I file electronically.

    Hope this helps?



  • I've started to scan documents so that I can attach them electronically to an employee record in SageHR.  That might sound great but in effect I'm just doubling the problem because I still end up filing the originals in their personnel files!

    I do keep sick records in their personnel files - in fact, just about everything goes in there. That way, I know exactly where to look for documents for any specific member of staff.

    I am about to inherit a lot of staff files as a result of a redundancy - and I'm sure many of them will be things like leave forms going back 10 years or so. It would be good to know if I can just shred them, or are they destined for an archive box?

    Thanks for raising the subject Rachel. Will be interesting to see the responses,


    •  We do things quite similarly in our company by having both electronic and paper files for all personnel files. So unfortunately all work is doubled. However it's helpful because there are times where electronic copies are much easier to access.  Sick records and pretty much anything directly related to the employee are kept together in the filling cabinet.


      • Thanks for your reply Cyan. I was beginning to think I was the only person that saves files in both formats! As you say, it's generally easier to search electronically, but I like to have the paper back up as well - just to be on the safe side!


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