
  • Morning!

    Thanks for the advice so far.

    The lady in question actually left in 2013 so it was a complete surprise for me to receive a reference request, particularly as she has had another job since.

    I confirmed the basic information of employment dates etc.



  • Hi Emma

    When an employee is dismissed for GM they are informed at the hearing that we will detail in a reference that they were dismissed but not the reason why.

    When the reference comes to me I simply document the following.

    Employee was dismissed without notice on xx. Due to confidentiality and data protection I am unable to inform you of the reason for dismissal. All relevant paperwork was sent to employee after their dismissal. 

    Simple, contains only fact, protects all.


  • Hi Emma

    Can you say why you are declining to provide the reference?



    • Hi Sarah

      Two years ago, the person who the reference was for was dismissed for gross misconduct.



      • Hi Emma

        OK I guess it also depends on what your reference policy is, whether a reference has been agreed as part of a settlement agreement and also what industry you work in e.g if you work in the Financial Services Industry.  Consitency is always an important aspect.

        So for example at EON the reference policy was only to provide basic information such as job title and length of service.  If an employee had been dismissed for GM typically we would include this and brief reasons as it is factual and relevant to the reference request.  The only time we would not include it was if the GM were only allegations at the time and the employee resigned part way through the disciplinary (this would be recorded as a resignation).

        In terms of the reason for declining it I would be inclined to provide the reference (subject to the above) but stick to the facts e.g. they were dismissed for GM due to X ensuring that the statements made in the reference tally with the reasons given for the dismissal in the letter confirming this.

        Some further info here which I hope helps!



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