Hi all

I attended my first Hustings event last week which was quite an eye opener as I had never been to one and if I am honest have never been that interested in politics.  But the experience did get me thinking what this may mean for the day job as an HR bod. 

Here are some of the high level manifesto proposals for each party, what do you think the General Election outcome would mean for your business from an HR perspective.  Also if there is no clear majority what would a coalition government mean??

From the Conservative Party:

Abolishing the abuse of zero hour contracts by prohibiting exclusivity clauses
Permitting strike action only if mandated by vote with at least 50% turnout
Creating a further 1 million apprenticeships.

From Plaid Cymru:

Enforcing the living wage

From the Green Party:

Introducing 2 years’ paid parental leave
Requiring large companies to publish details of earnings in order to establish if equal pay between the sexes is a reality
Introducing completely flexible working arrangements for all

From the Labour Party:

Banning exploitative zero hour contracts, and, if regular hours are worked under a zero hours contract, creating a fixed hours contract following 12 weeks’ service
Ensuring that agency workers cannot be paid less than equivalent permanent staff
Raising the national minimum wage to £8 per hour by 2020
Abolishing the current Tribunal system and creating a system in which affordability is not a barrier to justice
Protecting self employed individuals from discrimination
Social background monitoring in public services
Creating mandatory apprenticeships at firms holding major government contracts.

From the Liberal Democrat Party:

Providing more free childcare for working families
Promoting name blind recruitment in the public sector
Strengthening ‘worker’ rights (as compared to employee rights)
Raising the national minimum wage for apprentices; and
Promoting boardroom diversity

From the Scottish National Party:

Full devolution of employment law to Scotland
Promoting workers’ rights through the Fair Work Convention
Ensuring as many workers as possible benefit from the Living Wage
Tackling unacceptable employment practices

From the UK Independence Party:

Permitting discrimination in favour of young British workers (this may contravene EU legislation and could lead to far wider change)
Workers on zero hours contracts for large employers being able to earn the right to fixed hours after a years’ service
Repealing the agency workers directive

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